Tryout Details

Summer tryouts have concluded. Stay tuned for October tryout opportunities.

Why Tri-State Elite

  • Offer elite training by the top volleyball trainers in the area
  • Focus on the development of each individual player regardless of their role on the team
  • Develop close-knit teams and a volleyball community that our members will be proud to call home now and, in the future.


Tri-State Elite was formed in 2014 and has quickly ascended to national recognition.  Tri-State Elite is currently ranked as the No. 14 club nationally by US Club Rankings which is the highest ranked club in the Greater Cincinnati area.


Our philosophy is to provide open, ongoing and consistent communication with all of our families. We will provide a clear focus and an organized, well-planned experience for your player.


Tri-State Elite has coached 200+ athletes that have played, are currently playing, or are preparing to compete across the college volleyball landscape. Our player development philosophy leads directly to success in club, high school, and beyond. 

USA Volleyball Age Chart for the 2025 Club Season


Doing Your Best at Tryouts

From Coach Kelly Crowley:
We’re often asked what are the main things we look for when evaluating athlete at tryouts. The short answer is skill, athleticism, attitude, and passion. Realizing those are broad characterizations, we thought we’d give you a few pointers to consider when getting ready for tryouts.


Being prepared for tryouts is important. Equally important is having fun. You’re  here for a reason, because you love volleyball. Your coaches are here for a  reason, because they love volleyball. Working together to build a great team and a great learning environment is the most important thing to remember as we plan for a great club season. 


Coaches are always looking for players who have leadership potential. If you’re familiar with a drill, don’t be afraid to go first. Be vocal by  encouraging other players to do their best. Always call the ball loudly.  Avoid negative talk about yourself, the tryout and former teammates. If  you start getting down on yourself for making a mistake, you’re likely to  make even more. No one wants to hear negative talk about the team you were on last year. 

Prior to Tryouts

We notice if you’re late and it tells us you might not be as serious as 
others. Plan to arrive at least 20 minutes before tryouts to check-in and get registered. Arriving early allows you to relax and begin warming up to  get your blood flowing and your muscles ready. 

Get at least eight to 10 hours of productive sleep. Don’t expect to do your best if you spent the previous night at a sleepover. If you’re serious about volleyball the sleepover can wait. 

Don’t skip meals. Your body needs proper nutrition to do your best so make sure you eat well the night before and the day of tryouts. The last thing you want is to run out of energy midway through the tryout. 

During Tryouts

This is a tough one. Either you have confidence or you don’t. We can’t always help you prepare for this one but we can tell you it shows on the court. Chances are if you’re competing at club level you likely have the skill or a good foundation to build on. So do what you need to do to build confidence in yourself. You need to believe in yourself and your abilities or you can’t expect others to. Ways to show confidence on the court: 

• Be positive, even when things are going badly 
• Be aggressive and go after every ball that comes your way 
• Be fearless 
• Be vocal. We want to hear you. 
• Go all-out on every play

No one is perfect. Everyone needs to improve in some form or another.  Coaches must believe that you’re capable of being coached. Behaviors you display during a tryout can convince him or her that you’re open to guidance. Some things to remember: 
• Pay attention when a coach addresses you. Make eye contact and interact when asked a question or are given guidance. 
• Be positive if a coach gives you feedback even if the suggestion is different from what previous coaches may have told you to do. 
• If you have questions, ask. It shows confidence, your ability to learn and your desire to improve. 

In addition to athleticism and skill, coaches are looking for players who work well with others to build a great team. Cheer for others when they do well. Players who exhibit a positive attitude toward tryout competitors are likely to make good team players.